
Sourcemod l4d2 custom commands
Sourcemod l4d2 custom commands

sourcemod l4d2 custom commands

G_cvarDuration = CreateConVar( "l4d2_custom_commands_explosion_duration", "15", "Duration of the Create Explosion's command explosion fire trace", FCVAR_PLUGIN) G_cvarPower = CreateConVar( "l4d2_custom_commands_explosion_power", "350", "Power of the Create Explosion's command explosion", FCVAR_PLUGIN) G_cvarRadius = CreateConVar( "l4d2_custom_commands_explosion_radius", "350", "Radius for the Create Explosion's command explosion", FCVAR_PLUGIN) LogDebug( "Creating necessary ConVars.") ĬreateConVar( "l4d2_custom_commands_version", GETVERSION, "Version of Custom Admin Commands Plugin", FCVAR_PLUGIN | FCVAR_SPONLY | FCVAR_NOTIFY | FCVAR_DONTRECORD) LogDebug( "The game is Left 4 Dead 2, continue.") SetFailState( " Custom Commands supports Left 4 dead 2 only!") LogDebug( "The game is not Left 4 Dead 2, aborting load")

sourcemod l4d2 custom commands

If ( ! StrEqual(sGame, "left4dead2", false)) New Handle :g_cvarAddType = INVALID_HANDLE ĭescription = "Allow admins to use new administrative or fun commands", New Handle :g_cvarRainRadius = INVALID_HANDLE New Handle :g_cvarRainDur = INVALID_HANDLE New Handle :g_cvarDuration = INVALID_HANDLE New Handle :g_cvarPower = INVALID_HANDLE New Handle :g_cvarRadius = INVALID_HANDLE New Handle :sdkShoveInf = INVALID_HANDLE New Handle :sdkShoveSurv = INVALID_HANDLE New Handle :sdkSetBuffer = INVALID_HANDLE New Handle :sdkAdrenaline = INVALID_HANDLE New Handle :sdkDetonateAcid = INVALID_HANDLE New Handle :sdkCallPushPlayer = INVALID_HANDLE New Handle :sdkVomitSurvivor = INVALID_HANDLE

sourcemod l4d2 custom commands

New Handle :sdkVomitInfected = INVALID_HANDLE New Handle :g_hGameConf = INVALID_HANDLE * because if this admin uses the same menu item, the last userid will be reset. Doesn't matter if the admins leaves and another using the same index gets in * Refers to the last selected userid by the admin client index. *Offsets, Handles, Bools, Floats, Integers, Strings, Vecs and everything needed for the commands #define LOUIS_MODEL "models/survivors/survivor_manager.mdl" #define FRANCIS_MODEL "models/survivors/survivor_biker.mdl" #define ZOEY_MODEL "models/survivors/survivor_teenangst.mdl" #define BLEED_PARTICLE "blood_chainsaw_constant_tp" #define BURN_IGNITE_PARTICLE "fire_small_01" #define EXPLOSION_PARTICLE3 "explosion_huge_b" #define EXPLOSION_PARTICLE2 "weapon_grenade_explosion" #define EXPLOSION_PARTICLE "FluidExplosion_fps" #define FIRE_PARTICLE "gas_explosion_ground_fire" #define EXPLOSION_DEBRIS "animation/van_inside_debris.wav" #define EXPLOSION_SOUND3 "ambient/explosions/explode_3.wav" #define EXPLOSION_SOUND2 "ambient/explosions/explode_2.wav" #define EXPLOSION_SOUND "ambient/explosions/explode_1.wav" Definitions needed for plugin functionality

#Sourcemod l4d2 custom commands code#

* -FUNCTIONS - For functions code (They do every action)

sourcemod l4d2 custom commands

* NAVIGATION (Search For: Do not allow caps)

Sourcemod l4d2 custom commands