Where Are Temporary Excel Files Saved In Windows 10/8/XP? As the data stored in the XLS file only becomes inaccessible not lost COMPLETELY. Then there is a possibility to recover unsaved Excel spreadsheet data. So, if you are the one facing a data loss situation in MS Excel. You can also restore data from the temporary Excel files created by the MS Office while working on the document.
Well, many users are not aware of how to use these features, it is possible to restore content even if you haven’t enabled these features. This allows the users to recover Excel lost content from temp files and by enabling the AutoSave features and Autorecovery option.

MS Office has provided the AutoSave and Auto Recovery options, to recover the lost Excel content. Let’s get the answer to this question first….! What Is A TMP File In Excel? Now the question arises what is a TMP file in Excel? Luckily, there is an option that helps you to recover lost Excel data that is by using an Excel temp file. Due to human errors like mistakenly data deletion.Well, apart from the corruption there are many causes responsible for Excel content or data loss. But it is also seen the Excel is highly prone to corruption and easily gets corrupted and as a result, the entire data stored in it becomes inaccessible and lost.